ClearStream LIFE accepted for publication
- Tuesday, 09 April 2013 16:37
ClearStream LIFE accepted for publication The study initiated and funded by Flavourart Italy, evaluating the cytotoxic potential of electronic cigarettes compared to tobacco has been accepted for publication and will be available soon. It is the pneumatic child of friend and colleague Dr Giorgio Romagna, who has spend tremendous time in performing the experiments. The study, CLarifying Evidence And Research on the Safety and The Risks of Electronic AtMos-Living In-vitro Fibroblasts’ Exposure (ClearStream-LIFE) examined the effects of vapor on survival of cultured fibroblasts. Vapor was produced by using a commercially-available electronic cigarette device, and was dissolved in culture medium. Different cell cultures were exposed to 21 vapor extracts for 24 hours. Afterwards, viability was measured in comparison to cells cultured in clean cell medium (without extract). Similarly, smoke from one cigarette was used to make cigarette smoke extract, and this was also tested on the cells. I was responsible for data analysis and interpretation, and for writting the manuscript. The study was so unbiased that, although we could choose from more than 40 liquids tested, we decided to include the worst-performing liquid in the 21 that were submitted for publication. We did not hide anything, we reported the absolute truth and we included the worse possible results for e-cigarettes. The results are impressive, so stay tuned until we announce the official release of the study.
Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos